
Book Preview: Wicked (Nany Holder & Debbie Viguié)

It really is a lazy Sunday. I got a little dizzy after my 2 days trip out town, and really need to regain my energy to face tomorrow's hundreds-things-to-be-done-in-one-day. So I just cuddle up on my bed and finish this one.

Witch (Wicked, #1)Witch by Nancy Holder

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Telling about the battle between two witches clans, the story is just really dark and dangerous. The mysterious element, not to mention the mystical atmosphere, is one of the essence of the story.

We somehow got enchanted not only by the battle, but by the coming back of Romeo and Juliet in new darker version. It's more dangerous, and more intriguing.
View all my reviews

 Have you read this book? What do you think?

Happy cuddling,


The Philosophy of Handmade Craft

Though sometimes it really need the gut to keep making things, I can just amuse myself seeing my handmade. Sometimes it is with wrinkle crinkle, sometimes it turned out perfectly. But, isn't that the beauty of handmade?

Sometimes, you find the imperfections just beautify the things, and make them perfect. It's just like life. The most perfect lives are those with upside down in which you can cherish it with your laughters, and tears. In the end, they are all beautiful.

Happy creating, my friends..


Forget-me-not wristlet. I just can't help myself not to make it!

Hallo hallo... what a nice weekend! I certainly enjoy my time here and now, after a hectic week going on, for now the day is just radiant bright ^_^

Anyway, here comes my next wristlet. The cotton cloth has Forget-Me-Not floral print, the blue is just irresistable that I'm in love for the first sight! It is combined with semi-heavy white cloth. The lining comes from dark blue cotton cloth. As the whole, it's just a clean beautiful wristlet.

Like my other wristlet, the design is originally mine with one open ruffled pocket in the front, and one main zipper pocket. Fell free to check bigger picts from my shop.

PS: I made an improvement on my shop recently. It has cleaner, whiter, yet cuter banner, and I also took a better shot for my items. So, enjoy your visit there ^_^


Fabulous Friday Follow

Hi, this is the second time I follow the Fabulous Friday. Hope you can join me, too ^_^

Warm Regards,


Another Pincushion (Sewing Project #7)

I'm back with another pincushion sewing. I begin to like this project for its simplicity. Assume that you have the doily already, it'll take no longer than 20 minutes to make.

But what if you don't have the doily? No worry, I happen to find this pattern from http://crochetandknitting.net. You may also find other free crochet patterns for baby doll, edging, tableclothes etc.

Have fun :)


Happy Weekends with Tons of Blog Stories ^_^

Hello everyone, how's your day? Right now I'm in participation of a blog hop hosted by Lily's Laundry.
You may follow it, and we could share our unique stories ^_^.

Love to hear your story,


How to Make A Cloth Bunny Doll (Link)

O gosh, it's already thursday! I'm in happy mood right now, anticipating the weekend to come. What do you do
this weekend?

As for me, I plan to make this cloth cute doll that I've found on http://www.cutoutandkeep.net. This website, as I told you before, has tons of howtos and tutorials. I even learn making my first pouch based on the tutorial here. Anyway, the bunny doll I mentioned earlier? Here's the look and the link..

See Revoluzzzionary Easter Bunny and 1000's of others - or share your own on Cut Out + Keep

Hey, would you like to try it, too? We could make a sew along project, then...

Happy Weekend (tomorrow) everyone ^_^


Crochet Pincushion (Sewing Project #6)

Hi all! I'm sorry for being away these few days. It's been hectic time at work, spending times at home were real luxury for me this week.

However... I somehow could find tiny time to do a little crochet, and make it into a pincushion (I have none 'till today). I think I done it, though I have to improve the edge and corner. So, here it is...

Here are how to make it:
  1. I crochet mini doily using beige cotton yarn. (You can always find mini doily pattern on Internet, read related posting in Bahasa Indonesia here, I'll make the English version soon)
  2. Cut cotton cloths based on the shape of the doily, mine is octagon.
  3. Make little stitches around the doily to secure its place on the cloth
  4. Make sandwich of cloth-doily-cloth. (For the cloths, its Right Side Together)
  5. Sew the Wrong Side of the cloths around. Make a little opening for flaping the Right Side of cloths inside out.
  6. Right now your pincushion will look like a little pouch. Fill in the "pouch" with polyester or scramble cloths, or other soft thing to make it bulky.
  7. Sew in the opening of the pincushion by hand.
  8. Finish. Grab your camera, take good pictures ^_^ and send me your version.

Happy crafting everyone!


Medium Navy Blue Wristlet

This is another list on my Etsy shop. A navy blue wristlet with medium size.
(6.5" on the top length, 7.5" on the bottom length, and 5" height).
There is an open pocket on front with ruffle, and one zippered main pocket.

I love this wristlet simply because its color. It's navy blue, so strong in hue, yet still lovely. It is added with also blue Indonesian batik. I put my effort to sew as neat as possible, as you may see from the pictures.

Hope you like it too ^_^


Felt Craft? Siapa yang gak suka ^_^

Felt atau kain flanel sudah dikenal di kalangan para pecinta craft sejak dulu kala. Yang menarik dari kain ini adalah kekuatannya untuk tidak rantas atau tercerai berai. Jadi, kalo untuk membuat bentuk-bentuk lucu, kain ini jagonya.

Pola kain felt mudah di dapat, terutama yang udah punya senjata Internet. Tinggal tanya Mr. Google dengan kata kunci felt tutorial, atau felt craft. Berikut beberapa link tutorial dan pola felt craft yang kutemukan :

For felt craft lovers, here are tutorials and patterns links that I've found so far. 
Feel free to go to the links.
 3 sachet corsets & a pattern

Oke deh,  daftarnya masih bisa nambah lagi, email aku kalo ada info link baru ya ^_^
Selamat  berkreatifitas!


My First Etsy Item

It is such a great time now. I finally proud to introduce you all to may first etsy item. It is a practical Indonesian batik wristlet with keyring strap. For complete photos and descriptions, please visit my shop.

Untuk teman-teman Indonesia, gambar di atas adalah dompet batik yang kujual di toko online etsy.com. Dompet ini terdiri dari satu kantong utama dengan retsliting YKK, satu kantong depan terbuka dengan lipit-lipit imut. Ada foto-foto lain yang bisa kalian liat di tokoku dan deskripsi lengkapnya.

- lebar 16 cm di bagian atas, 
- lebar 19.5 cm di bagian bawah, 
- dan tinggi 13 cm.

Harga: bisa dilihat di sebelah kanan.
Khusus untuk teman-teman di Indonesia, boleh juga kontak aku di sini untuk harga khusus ^_^ 

Have a nice day everyone!


Get Drown in a Lovely Morning

All right, all right... the sewing project is still going on. Many things have to be done first before I can put it on my gallery in etsy. I just don't want to put it there before it's perfect. So, in the mean time.... I want to tell you that I have a great morning today.

The best thing living in a suburb, and at a small town like mine, is that you can still catch little birds twitter. Not to mention calm green trees and bushes that are just sooo breezy. So, I am really blessed living in such place.

Early morning. The sky was just awesome!

 It's 05.30 am in my place, and the morning was just amazing, I can't tell you exactly without showing you.. The picture above was the time when the sun is about to rise. I love the blue on the sky. But hey, there was also splash of pink and orange there. Aren't they lovely?

a nine feet pinus standing beautifully

The sun is about to rise. Do you see how green the bushes are?
When the sun rise. I am in awe!
I even found wild flower just around the street. Do you know the name?
Its name is Lantana camara (or in Bahasa Indonesia, it's Tembelekan).
Thanks to Ratri Nugraheni for the info :)

Have a beautiful weekend everyone :)


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